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What is Zero-Trust: How Rampart™ Offers Complete Fortifications

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, cybersecurity is more important than ever. With a rise in cyber threats, it is crucial to have a security model that ensures all users, devices, and applications are authenticated and authorized before being granted access to a network or resource. This is where zero-trust comes in.

Zero-trust is a security model that assumes that everything on the network is untrusted and requires authentication and authorization for all access requests. It is a departure from the traditional security model that assumes that everything inside the network is trusted. Zero-trust is based on the principle of "never trust, always verify." It provides greater security and helps prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Rampart™ is a revolutionary application security tool that is turning the application security world on its head. Instead of focusing on known vulnerabilities, Rampart™ is trained on an application's baseline behavior, allowing it to block and alert on any anomalies. Rampart™ is an AI-based system that continuously learns about an application's normal behavior, providing true zero-day protection against both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

Rampart™ can protect a wide range of applications built-in .NET, Java, Python, and Containers. By training a system with Rampart™, your application is dynamic and learns more about your application's normal behavior, while protecting it from not only known vulnerabilities but unknown ones as well.

The key WOW factors behind Rampart™ are:

  • Block vulnerabilities before they can impact your system: Rampart™ uses an AI-based system that continuously learns about an application's normal behavior, providing true zero-day protection against both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
  • Continuously monitor your application to ensure it is working correctly while giving you insight: Rampart™ provides continuous monitoring and auditing to ensure that all access requests and activities are logged and tracked, providing insights into an application's behavior.
  • Notify when any abnormal events occur and defend against OWASP Top ten Vulnerabilities: Rampart™ provides alerts on an easy-to-use dashboard when any abnormal events occur and defends against OWASP Top ten vulnerabilities.
  • True zero-day protection: Rampart™ provides true zero-day protection against both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
  • Rampart™ is an AI-based system that continuously learns about an application's normal behavior, providing dynamic protection against both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

Zero-trust is a security model that assumes that everything on the network is untrusted and requires authentication and authorization for all access requests. Rampart™ is an application security tool that offers complete fortifications based on the zero-trust model. By training a system with Rampart™, your application is dynamic and learns more about your application's normal behavior, providing true zero-day protection against both known and unknown vulnerabilities. Rampart™ is turning the application security world on its head by providing an innovative approach to cybersecurity that focuses on behavior-based protection rather than just known vulnerabilities.