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Rampart AI™ Newsletter - August & September 2023

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Greetings, Rampart AI™ Community!

As we usher in the last days of August, we are thrilled to share some exciting updates and initiatives we've been working on here at Rampart AI™. Our mission to fortify your applications and enhance their security is our top priority. Here's a glimpse of what's been happening and what's to come in the months ahead:

1. Rampart AI™ Bloat Harness Release:

  • We've been hard at work developing the Rampart AI™ Bloat Harness, a revolutionary tool designed to combat application bloat. As applications grow in complexity, they tend to accumulate unnecessary components and functions, slowing them down and increasing vulnerability.

  • To illustrate the incredible efficiency of our Bloat Harness, let's take a look at the dramatic reduction in size we achieved for Apache Guacamole:

    • Guacamole: We've shrunk it from 231.48MB to 99.61MB.

    • Guacd: 51.19MB to 18.8MB.

  • Why is this important? Application bloat not only affects performance but also opens the door to potential security vulnerabilities. By optimizing and hardening your applications, you not only boost efficiency but also enhance security.

  • To experience the power of our Bloat Harness firsthand, we're offering a FREE hardened and minimized version of Apache Guacamole to anyone interested. Email or sign up using the form below.

Request access to Rampart™ Unholy Guacamole docker repository at the form below:

2. Help Us Choose Our Next Targets:

  • Are you a developer working with .NET, Java, or Python-based tools? We value your input! We're on the lookout for other open-source applications that you would like to see hardened and minimized by Rampart AI™. Think SQL, Jenkins, and more!

  • Share your suggestions with us on LinkedIn or by email at

3. Benefits Of Removing Application Bloat FastChat with Special Guest: Douglas Schmidt:

4. Blog Highlights:

  • This month, we've published some insightful blogs that dive deep into critical topics related to application security and fortification:

    • "What is Zero Trust and How Rampart Offers Complete Fortifications" - Discover the principles of Zero Trust and how Rampart AI™ aligns with this cutting-edge security approach. Read the blog.

    • "Enhancing Application Security: The Vital Role of Hardening to Minimize Attack Surfaces" - Learn why minimizing attack surfaces through application hardening is crucial in today's threat landscape. Read the blog.

We're committed to making your applications not only robust but also secure. Thank you for being part of the Rampart AI™ community, and stay tuned for more exciting developments in the coming months.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to us at We're here to support you in your journey to application fortification.

Stay secure,

Rampart AI™ Team

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