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Rampart AI™ Monthly Newsletter - November 2023

Rampart AITM Newsletter Feature Images-2Rampart AI™ Monthly Newsletter - November 2023

Dear Rampart AI™ Community,

We're thrilled to share the latest happenings at Rampart AI™. Our team has been working tirelessly to bring you innovative solutions, enhance your application security experience, and foster insightful discussions.

New Features on the Horizon:

Continuous Container Inventory and Monitoring

We are excited to announce two groundbreaking features that are set to revolutionize container security: Continuous Container Inventory and Container Monitoring. With these additions, you can now receive alerts of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) being discovered in images deployed in your production environment. Additionally, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the images running in your production environment by downloading a software bill of materials for each image, and receive a list of associated CVEs. Stay one step ahead in fortifying your systems against potential threats with these updates.

Thought Leadership:

Navigating the Future of Automated Application Security & Cyber Defense

Dr. Ehab Al-Shaer, a leading expert in the application and cyber defense field, currently holds the position of Distinguished Research Fellow at the Software and Societal Systems Department within the School of Computer Science, a Distinguished Career Professor at the School of Engineering, and a Faculty member of CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University.  Dr. Al-Shaer is the Founding Director of a national Center of Cybersecurity Analytics and Automation sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Al-Shaer lends his expertise to dive into the future of automated application security and its impact on cyber defense. Don't miss the opportunity to gain valuable insights from his expertise. You can either listen to the discussion below or read a brief summary here. 


The Significance of Open-Source: How Improvement & Collaboration Drive Progress

In our latest blog post, we explore the profound impact of open-source initiatives on the world of cybersecurity. Learn how improvement and collaboration drive progress in this dynamic field. Read the blog post here and join the conversation.

Apache Guacamole Project Still Gaining Traction:

Our recently launched hardened and minimized version of Apache Guacamole continues to receive positive feedback. We extend a warm welcome to Apache Guacamole users who have embraced this enhanced experience for improved security and efficiency. To download the latest version, visit our website.

We appreciate the enthusiastic response from the developer community WORLDWIDE!

We look forward to the continued growth of our community and the advancement of application security together. Thank you for being a valued part of Rampart AI™.

Stay Secure,

The Rampart AI™ Team