Rampart-AI: Let Blog about it!

Rampart AI™ July 2023 Newsletter

Written by Daphna | Jul 27, 2023 7:10:41 PM

Hello Rampart AI™ Community!

We've been busy this month, and we are thrilled to share some exciting updates with you all.

Preview of Rampart AI™ Threat Activity Survey:

To better understand the threat landscape, we intentionally deploy Rampart™-fortified but otherwise vulnerable apps to see how often exploits are attempted against them. One of our more popular application honeypots is Apache Tomcat.

Since May 31st, 2023 Rampart™ has detected:

  • 11965 anomalous interactions with our Tomcat honeypot 
  • 7403 of these anomalies were exploit attempts
  • 7122 of the exploit attempts were enumeration/scanning
  • 130 of the exploit attempts were remote code execution attempts, from which 31 malicious war samples were captured
  • 0 of the remote code execution attempts were successful
  • 0 bytes of data were lost
  • 0 hours of uptime were lost

Rampart AI™ Guacamole Challenge Feedback:

We recently asked for your feedback on the Rampart AI™ Guacamole Challenge. Your insights will shape the next steps in our mission to harden open-source apps and improve application security. If you haven't shared your thoughts yet, feel free to spread the word and let us know which heavily used open-source apps we should target next!

Guacamole Challenge: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7084894177615867904

Rampart AI™ Red Team Report Summary:

Discover what sets Rampart™ apart! An independent assessment of Rampart™'s security tool is now available. The report highlights its powerful detection capabilities, ensuring your app's protection from both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

Check out the report summary here: https://www.rampart-ai.com/blog/rampart-red-team-report-enhancing-application-security-with-robust-detection-and-blocking-capabilities

Social Media:

Tackling the Patching Problem - Don't wait for vulnerabilities to come to light! Take a proactive approach with Rampart-AI™. While patching has been effective in the past, it's no longer enough.

Read our blog post on why relying solely on patching is no longer viable: https://www.rampart-ai.com/blog/the-patching-problem

Fast Chat: Building Trust & Customer Confidence - Join us for an engaging Fast Chat on "Marketing's Role in Application Security," featuring special guest Red Curry, Reco VP Marketing & Cyber Strategist. Gain insights into how marketing plays a crucial role in building trust and customer confidence in application security.

Watch the discussion below: 


Sneak Peek: Bloat Harness Coming Soon

Rampart AI™ is reducing your application's attack space with a Bloat Harness. The Bloat Harness is set to be released in the coming months. To showcase this emerging capability, we will host a Fast Chat on "Application Bloat" alongside the release. Stay tuned for more details!

Thank you for being a part of the Rampart AI™ journey. Together, we can revolutionize the way we protect applications!

Stay secure, 

Rampart AI™ Team