Rampart-AI: Let Blog about it!

Rampart AI™ Monthly Newsletter - October 2023

Written by Daphna | Oct 31, 2023 12:00:00 PM

In this Issue:

  • Recapping October
  • Rampart AI™ Welcomes Apache Guacamole Users
  • Featured Blog: You Hold The Key - Prioritizing Security As Developers
  • More Ways To Connect: Spotify and Medium





Recapping October

Dear Rampart AI™ Community,

As October draws to a close, we're excited to share a recap of our most exciting achievements this month. We've had a fantastic October, filled with innovations, community growth, and a strong focus on security in software development. Let's dive right in!

Rampart AI™ Welcomes Apache Guacamole Users

This October, we proudly launched a hardened and minimized version of the open-source software Apache Guacamole. It's our pleasure to welcome Apache Guacamole users to experience enhanced security and efficiency with this release.

To download the latest version, please visit our website: Free Hardened and Minimized Guacamole.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and we're grateful for the growing number of developers who have embraced this enhanced Apache Guacamole experience. At Rampart AI™, we successfully spread the word about this initiative through a large-scale social media campaign. If you're connected to Rampart AI™ on LinkedIn you're already aware of the additional efforts we've put into engaging developers and the Apache Guacamole community at large. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and stay tuned for more exciting updates and campaigns in the future.

Featured Blog: You Hold The Key - Prioritizing Security As Developers

In case you missed it, we published a thought-provoking blog titled "You Hold The Key: Prioritizing Security As Developers." Security is a collective effort, and this blog emphasizes the critical role developers play in building secure digital landscapes. Explore insightful tips and best practices in our blog post, available here: You Hold The Key Blog.

More Ways to Connect

Dive deeper into the world of application security and stay connected with Rampart AI™ through these additional channels:

1. FastChat Series on Spotify

Explore our dynamic discussions on application security in our "Application Security With Rampart AI™: FastChat Series." Our podcasts are available on Spotify for your convenience. Tune in on the go and gain valuable industry insights. Listen on Spotify.


2. Discover Our Latest Blogs on Medium

To expand our thought leadership reach, we've also established a presence on Medium. Here, we share our latest articles, insights, and discussions on cybersecurity, software development, and more. We're thrilled by the warm reception we've received in this short time.

These additional channels offer you a variety of ways to engage with us, learn, and contribute to ongoing conversations that vary from just our website or social media.

Get in Touch

We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to collaborate, please reach out to us. Your input is invaluable as we continue to innovate and elevate the security of the software development process.

Thank you for being a part of the Rampart AI™ community. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and initiatives in the coming months. 

Until next time... Stay Secure,

Rampart AI™ Team

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